Pro-Life for Governor


Date: July 29, 2014
Issues: Abortion Legal

In as much as, no legislature, nor Congress, has passed a law defining "personhood' for the pre-born child, therefore, if Pro-Life becomes Governor he will declare that legal personhood begins at fertilization. On the first day of taking office, Pro-Life will stop all abortions in Idaho, including chemical abortions. Just as a Governor can stop the execution of a convicted murderer, he can also stop the murder of innocent pre-born babies.

Roe v. Wade is not law. Courts do not make law. Court rulings are called decisions, not laws, and are only binding on the parties of the court case. The reason we violate our state and Federal Constitutions, and allow court decisions to be viewed as law, is because members of Congress and state legislators refuse to even discuss laws regarding volatile issues such as pre-born baby murder, homosexuality, adultery, pornography, real money, etc.

Legislators are big chickens, they covet office so they refuse to deal with divisive issues. They allow appointed judges to make the difficult decisions thereby destroying constitutional jurisdiction. Therefore, a chief executive recognizing this trashing of separation of powers should rule on pre-born baby murder and this will cause the public to become educated regarding constitutional jurisdiction. We need to save our pre-born babies from murder, and we also could learn constitutional jurisdiction with Pro-Life as Governor.

Governors and Presidents seek to be popular, and are peer oriented, therefore they neglect to support constitutional government. When chief executives and legislators intentionally ignore constitutions, common law, natural law, and God's law, the people suffer. If the people fail to elect honest men, then the nation is destroyed. If you do not like the candidates on the ballot, then you are obligated to put your name on the ballot.

Why do men like Pro-Life run for office? On Judgment Day, voters cannot say, "there was no one on the ballot worth voting for."
